Ants are a type of social insect that live in colonies. They belong to the family Formicidae, which includes more than 12,000 species worldwide. Depending on the species, these small insects can range from 1 mm to 25 mm in length. Ants form complex societies and communicate using sophisticated methods, such as chemical signals, including pheromones. In their colonies, ants have specialized roles, such as workers, warriors, and reproductive members. Each is responsible for performing specific tasks. Ants play an important role in the environment, breaking down and carrying away decaying matter and providing nutrients for plants to flourish. Additionally, they are important predators that help maintain balance in the insect world by eating other insects and their larvae.
Ants may seem harmless, but they can be dangerous in some cases. In particular, many species of ants can bite and sting humans if provoked or threatened. In addition, some ant bites have been known to cause allergic reactions that may require medical attention. Fire ants, in particular, are aggressive and can inflict a painful bite, often accompanied by an intense burning sensation. These ants also swarm when disturbed, meaning multiple bites from fire ants could occur simultaneously. In addition, some ant species carry disease-causing bacteria or parasites on their bodies and nests that can be transferred to humans.
Ants are one of the most widespread insects in the world. They often invade homes, gardens, and yards for food or shelter. Their presence can be annoying and inconvenient, but it is important to understand why they have become a problem before deciding on a course of action. Ants enter homes for many reasons, including seeking food and water or shelter from hot or cold weather. Ants are primarily attracted to places that offer easy access to leftover crumbs or other food sources, such as kitchen countertops and pantries. Moisture near leaky pipes provides an ideal environment for them, too. When inside buildings, they typically nest in warm areas with abundant moisture. It’s also possible that the ants entering your home are part of their natural migration.
Ant infestations can be found anywhere, from your home or business to outdoor areas such as parks or gardens. Signs of an ant infestation include spotting large numbers of ants crawling around food sources, noticing trails of ants entering and exiting the building, and finding mounds of dirt near walls or foundations.